a landscape with trees and a body of water in the distance
Suggested Tours
Filiatra, Gargalianoi, Pylos-Methoni

Filiatra town is located 10 km away from the hotel. The town counts 8500 inhabitants and has a long tradition of horticulture; 55 years ago during the "peak period" the city even had an Auction House for agricultural products. As we drive in Filiatra, we encounter an effigy of Eiffel Tower, we pass the central square and then we drive to Gargalianoi which is 15km away. Before entering the village we should park in the roadside where we can enjoy an excellent view of the island "Proti" that looks like a lizard, the traditional fishing village "Marathoupoli" and the Gargalianoi olive groves stretching at our feet. We drive through the square of Gargalianoi and continue for about 25 km heading to Pylos. We drive by "Pyrgaki" and "Ampelofyto" villages. Right before we reach Pylos we can stop and visit the ruins of Nestor Palace in a distance of 40 meters. After that we keep driving to Pylos. Before entering the 4 final turns leading to our destination, we can also stop at the top of the road and enjoy Pylos from above along with a panoramic view of its harbor, the most natural harbor in the Mediterranean. Once there, we should visit the Castle and walk around the city. We continue our road trip to Methoni, 9km away. Walk in the beautiful town and visit the castle which is built inside the sea. Distance to Methoni: 68 km. We return to Kyparissia through Marathoupoli; a different yet shorter return on a marvelous route along the coastline.

Distance 68KM

Sparta -Mystras

We cross Kalamata ascending and descending the Mountain of Taygetos, the highest mountain in the Peloponnese, also called the "Serniko Vouno" [the Male Mountain]. An amazing sequence of scenery. At the foot of Mount Taygetos located in a large slope lies the castle-town of Mystras; the silent city of Paleologos bloodline. Mystras is one of the most important archaeological sites of our country. Both its history and its fame are well established across the globe so there is little left to say for this magnificent place. 3km away there is Sparta, the capital of Laconia Region. This a city full of history. We grab a coffee, we stroll and head back to the hotel. Distance: 90km. We can also return via Tripoli; the distance is the same [2 hours] but the route is friendlier for the driver.

Distance 90km

The Temple of Epicurean Apollo-Andritsaina, Nea Figalia

The "second Parthenon" one of the most important and well-preserved temples of antiquity located 48 km north of Kyparissia emerges through Krestena at an altitude of 1,130 feet, lost in the wilderness. The inhabitants of the region had dedicated this temple to god Apollo as a token of gratitude for saving them from the plague, during the Peloponnesian War; the magnificent temple is perfectly harmonized with the landscape and looks like its natural extension. This temple was created in the fifth century by Iktinos the genius architect of the Parthenon. It is considered an architectural masterpiece in which all orders are harmoniously blended [Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian]; it was built with local limestone and is divided into Pronaus [pronaos] and Cella [siko] featuring six columns in front and 15 on the longer sides. According to Pausanias, the statue of Apollo was bronze and immense and it is believed that it was placed inside the Cella chamber, only to be later replaced by a marble statue. The sculptural decoration of the church is the work of Alkamenes, one of the most famous sculptors of that period, who painted the frieze of the temple, currently exhibited at the British Museum; it is worth noting that this item was the target of antiquity lovers who were active in Greece in the early 19th century. In 1986 the temple was recorded in the World Heritage List of Monuments [Info: +30 26260 22275]. If we keep driving for2 km we reach the picturesque town of Andritsaina, where we can pay a visit to its historic and famous library. We return to Kyparissia through New Figaleia, a traditional and beautiful town. The route is both picturesque and beautiful. The journey to the Temple of Epicurean Apollo is one hour maximum. If you wish you can also visit the Lake Kaiafa, on your way to the Temple.

Distance 45km

Messinian Mani-Diros Caves

We arrive at Kalamata and then cross the region of Mani; the land of sea, rocks and canyons. Mani is nature's way to fascinate. Towers, Byzantine churches, magnificent beaches bathed in Mediterranean light, a sweet climate are just some of the countless gifts that Mani offers to the visitor. The landscape of wild beauty invite us to hike and reach beautiful stone villages and castles, then tumble into the sea and sometimes hide in groves to rest. Nature, history, culture, tradition coexist in this place of contradictions that invite you to discover it. In a distance of 30km there are the famous Caves of Diros; the most famous stalagmites caves of Greece: a feast of shapes, forms and colors. The tour inside the caves is done by boat with the presence of trained guides, while occasionally you may walk in the underground paths. Distance to the Caves: 90 km; estimated driving time: 2 hours. We will need two more hours to return by the same route but we will definitely stop for a coffee and stroll in the beautiful Kardamili village.

Distance 90km

Archaeological site of Ancient Messene, Voulkano Monasteri- Kalamata

The Ancient town of Messene is one of the major cities of Greece in the Hellenistic and Roman times and used to be the capital of ancient Messinia for seven consecutive centuries; it is located 45 km away from Kyparissia, through Meligala. This is a rare archaeological site where the visitor will be impressed at the sight of temples, houses, walls and public buildings that have survived in such great height and good shape, while also experiencing immense excitement in an environment where the history of the region has been imprinted step by step throughout time. Among other monuments, the site includes a wall dating back to the 3rd century BC, let alone the dominant Arcadian Gate and the eight towers, various public buildings, the Agora, the Temple of Artemis Phosphorus or Orthia, the Stadium, the Memorial, the Theatre, the fountain and many residences. Some additional buildings of major significance are the Synedrio [congress], where the council of Messina was conveyed, the Keramourgeio [ceramics manufacture], the temple of Artemis Limnapdos and the Artemis Lafrias Orthia, the imposing complex of Asclepius etc. Later the massive Voulkano Monastery was built in a short distance from the archaeological site, on the saddle of the Voulkano and Ag. Vasilios hills. The old convent has been declared a protected monument but the new monastery has a history of its own, since in 1821 it served as the hideout and base of the rebellious Greeks. The monastery, celebrated on August 15, hosts many important manuscripts and relics of saints [John Chrysostom and Dionysius the Areopagite], sacred vessels and vestments [the patriarch Gregory V] and the miraculous image of Our Lady [Virgin Mary] a work of St. Lukas [14th c.]. If we keep driving for 15km we reach Kalamata, the capital of Messinia with population numbering 65,000 people. We can stroll in the commercial center for our shopping, enjoy the restored traditional buildings and then walk to the crystal-clear beach of 4km length, where we will find countless ouzo bars, and taverns, along its coastline. We can return to Kyparissia within one hour by taking the intersection "Allagi".

Distance 45km

Ancient Olympia

Walk around the archaeological site and visit the two museums. There is no need to say much about this place, since it is recognized as the most important archaeological site of our country, where the first Olympic Games took place. On your way back to the hotel you can stop and walk by the beautiful lake of Kaiaphas. Either by car or by bus you can stop in the parking next to the National Road and walk 150m down the path that leads to the heart of the lake and the traditional guest-houses of the Greek National Tourism Organization [GNTO] where residents enjoy their vacation through programs subsidized by the Social Security Fund; residents swim in the mineral springs, famous for their effective treatment against all dermatological diseases. It is worth noting that apart from insured persons, anyone else is allowed to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of spas, as long as they contact the infirmary directorate first. An amazing pine and cedar ecosystem "embraces" the green magnificent lake. The place is ideal for skiing and rowing and therefore our national teams and the respective sports federations often use the location for their training sessions. Skiing lessons are offered on specific dates as well. Returning to our parking spot we can enjoy our coffee at the cafeteria which is housed in a beautiful traditional building part of the old train station of OSE [Hellenic Train Organization]; prior to that we can go for a walk or even swim [depending on the weather] in the lovely shallow beach just 40 meters away, which can be accessed through a pine wood. In our way back to Kyparissia we can enjoy a breathtaking journey, always next to the sea keeping the green pines to our east. Transition to Ancient Olympia takes one hour maximum while the distance is about 60 km.

Distance 60km

Megalopolis, Karytaina, Dimitsana, Stemnitsa

Driving through Megalopolis, where the large hydroelectric plants of PPC are established, we arrive at the traditional Karytaina, 5km away. We continue our drive for 10 more km until we reach the village of Dimitsana. There we can visit the famous gunpowder mills constructed in 1821 and of course the Museum of Hydropower next to them. Walking down a traditional, natural path of 150 meters we get to see how the old mills used to operate: a faithful enactment of the old generation stream, inside the renovated traditional buildings. We drive backwards for 5km in order to visit Stemnitsa town which used to be a silversmith and goldsmith center. Currently there is a learning silversmith school operating in the traditional building downtown where visitors can purchase jewelry and silver at extremely low prices. After that we take a walk in the famous jams' manufacturing industries. Distance to Dimitsana: 75 km. We can return to the hotel by the same route or via Diavolitsi. If we choose the second option we might as well visit the little church of St. Theodora, built in the 10th century whose uniqueness is due to the following feature: 17 large and small trees 200-250 years old keep growing and relying upon the roof in a spectacular way; however, their roots are invisible both internally and externally fact which means that they pass through the 60cm wall! Beneath the foundations of the temple there are sources of drinking water flowing constantly throughout the year and are considered holy water by pilgrims. It is a miracle of nature, a unique attraction that you should definitely visit.

Distance 75km